I've just received a wonderfull text: "PARIS-SACLAY, LE SITE QUI VA FAIRE GAGNER LA FRANCE". Next week, France will choose the site of the world fair. One of the solutions is Paris-Saclay. This text explains why this site is the best choice. I propose to translate it with pictures taken this week (2017-07-03 and 2017-06-29).
These cranes represent the future. Few years ago there was corn in those fields.
This tree near the "Supelec" school -sharing the knowledge- is dead -caring for our planet-.
Citizen from Saclay are against World Expo 2025 [2]. This cyberaction counts 5746 participations [3]
Paris-Saclay, vitrine de l’excellence française
Paris-Saclay fait le lien entre Histoire et Avenir.
These cranes represent the future. Few years ago there was corn in those fields.
Qui mieux que Paris-Saclay illustre le thème de l’Exposition « la connaissance à partager et la planète à protéger » ?
This tree near the "Supelec" school -sharing the knowledge- is dead -caring for our planet-.
Paris-Saclay léguera aux générations futures le Campus universel du XXI siècle pour inventer demain.
No bus in summer (line 7) to go from RER Orsay to Paris-Saclay (plateau). Scientists, engineers and other workers have to climb during 30 minutes. [1]Paris-Saclay est le garant d’un aménagement équilibré de la Région Ile-de-France.
Citizen from Saclay are against World Expo 2025 [2]. This cyberaction counts 5746 participations [3]
- Horaires ligne 7 (Cars d'Orsay) : pas de bus du 10/07 au 04/09/2017
- Saclay Citoyen.
Cyberaction N° 866: Stop au béton sur les terres agricoles du plateau de Saclay